Selected Papers by Warren Robinett

Robinett, Warren, Foreword to the book Video Game Theory Reader, by Mark Wolf and Berard Perron, 2003.   Description of the video game Adventure for the Atari 2600 console, and makes the case for video games as a new artform.

Fisher, Scott S., James Humphries, Michael McGreevy, Warren Robinett, The Virtual Environment Display System, 1986 ACM Workshop on Interactive 3D Graphics.    Describes the NASA Virtual Environment Workstation, an early virtual reality system.

Robinett, Warren, Electronic Expansion of Human Perception , Whole Earth Review  magazine, Fall 1991.   First publication describing what we now call augmented reality (the term used in this article was "real-space imaging")  and first description of "medical X-ray vision" (using augmented reality to see inside living tissue).

Robinett, W. , R.M. Taylor II, V.L. Chi, F.P. Brooks, Jr., W.V. Wright, R.S. Williams, E.J. Snyder. The Nanomanipulator: An Atomic-Scale Teleoperator, SIGGRAPH 92 Course Notes for course "Implementation of Immersive Virtual Worlds, 1992.  First paper on the NanoManipulator. 

Robinett, Warren, and Richard Holloway, Implementation of Flying, Scaling, and Grabbing in Virtual Worlds,  ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, March 1992.   A description of the virtual-reality interaction techniques of flying through a virtual world, scaling the surrounding world up and down, and grabbing virtual objects. 

Robinett, Warren, Synthetic Experience: A Proposed Taxonomy , ,  Presence , Vol. 1, No. 2, Spring 1992.   An attempt to relate virtual reality to other media which capture human experience, and to explore virtual reality's fundamental limits. 

Robinett, Warren, The Consequences of Fully Understanding the Brain , ,  In M. C. Roco & W. S. Bainbridge (Eds.), Converging technologies for improving human performance. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers..   An attenpt to guess where a complete understanding of the brain may take the human race. 

Robinett, Warren, and Jannick Rolland, A Computational Model For the Stereoscopic Optics of a Head-Mounted Display,  Presence , Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 1992.   A detailed analysis of the computational process needed to generate images for a head-mounted display, taking into account the optics, tracking, and geometry of the HMD. 

Taylor II, R.M., W. Robinett, V.L. Chi, F.P. Brooks, Jr., W.V. Wright, R.S. Williams, E.J. Snyder. The Nanomanipulator: A Virtual-Reality Interface for a Scanning Tunneling Microscope, Computer Graphics: Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 93, Chicago, 1993.   Second paper on the NanoManipulator. 

Holmgren, Douglas, and Warren Robinett, Scanned Laser Displays for Virtual Reality: A Feasibility Study,  Presence , Vol. 2, No. 3, Summer 1993.   An analysis of displays that use a scanned and modulated laser to write images directly onto the retina.

Robinett, Warren, and Richard Holloway, The Visual Display Transformation for Virtual Reality, Presence, Vol. 4, No. 1, Winter 1995.   A complete mathematical exposition of the sequence of transformations in a VR system running from Object coordinates to Screen coordinates, including all parameters that must be measured or specified.

Robinett, Warren , Switching Among the Four Modes of a Teleoperator System: Teleoperation, Simulation, Replay and Robot, International Conference on Artificial Reality and Tele-existence (ICAT '98), December 1998, Tokyo, Japan.   A proposal that rapidly switching between teleoperation, simulation, and robotic control would be advantageous.  Used the NanoManipulator as the example teleoperator system.